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  • Log In With Facebook isn't working on my iPad
    This is unfortunately a known issue with the "Log in with the Facebook app" button on the iPad. You can still log in with Facebook using your username and password by following these steps: On the TrainTracks login screen, tap "Log In With Facebook" When the Facebook popup loads, when it asks to open the Facebook app, tap "Cancel" Tap the lower button, "Log in with phone or email" Enter your information and tap "Continue" If you have a TrainTracks account with your Facebook account and would prefer to use Google or Apple instead, please drop us a line below.
  • What happens if my client deleted their invitation email?
    You can always use the "Invite Code" on the Settings page: just ask your client to enter that code after they sign up.
  • Can I send a photo to all of my clients at once?
    Yes! After you take a photo, simply select "All Clients" from the client list when reviewing the photo. Add an inspriational caption to connect with everyone that you train!
  • Can I deep-link into TrainTracks from another application?
    Yes! Paste traintracks://home into the application to open TrainTracks directly.
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